Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Last Lecture

            It is hard to choose what to say for your last words. However, now that I have completed this course, I feel like I could actually give advice to an aspiring entrepreneur that might benefit them. I would tell them to talk with current entrepreneurs that they know to find out what day-to-day life is like working and running your own business. After they have a real understanding of the dedication it takes to be an entrepreneur, then I would invite them to decide if their entrepreneurial cravings would best be satisfied working for himself or working for someone else.
            One thing that I learned in this class is that you don’t necessarily have to own your own business to be an entrepreneur. You can apply the same skills that are required in running your own business as you could any larger company. Applying these skills in a larger company might actually help you and be less stressful than running your own business.
            The next piece of advice that I would give an aspiring entrepreneur is if all that they want is money, you are making a mistake. There is much more to being an entrepreneur than the potential of making more money. Actually, if that is your main motivation, you will most likely fail! I say this because if this is at your core, you will be more willing to lie, cheat, steal and give up any other morals you have, just to earn a buck. This kind of entrepreneurship will neither bring happiness, nor financial stability.
            The last piece of advice that I would give would be to involve yourself in something that you not only love and are passionate about, but also something you feel will help benefit others. When you don’t enjoy what you are doing, and are not helping other people do the same, there will be a void in your life that you will seek to fill. Entrepreneurship will bring you freedom, happiness, and satisfaction for not only yourself, but your family, your friends and your customers.

            In my personal opinion, living a life of entrepreneurship is one worth the risk as well as the reward. Be patient, smart and understanding. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

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