Saturday, March 21, 2015

Don't Be Blinded, Follow the Guidance From God

This last week I took my family on a little adventure. We traveled eight hours to look into a potential work opportunity. I was able to meet with an entrepreneur looking for someone to help grow his business. I was very excited to see his company in greater detail and to pitch some of my ideas to him.

 He is in sports marketing and has been doing it for 20 years. I met with him for two hours looking over what made his company money and what didn’t. He showed me things he is planning to do in the near future and other potential business opportunities. He loved meeting with me and offered me a position in his business. This being said I was shocked at the feelings I had from this meeting.

I prayed all the way to the meeting and also after. One of my main concerns is that I would only see the positive and that I would be blinded by the industry it was in. After being offered the job I was overwhelmed with the feeling not to take the job. This came as a shock to me and so I told him I would get back to him. After praying and speaking to my wife I felt very strongly that I should decline the position, but move to the area. My wife and I have both received the same answer and are excited for what lies ahead for us. We know that we will find success where we are headed and are glad that the Lord is guiding us more than he ever has before.

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