Thursday, July 23, 2015

A little longer

This week I decided that since orders have been slow, most likely because of the weather, that I would take around some samples up in my mom’s little town of Pine Valley and in our own ward. I had a lady, Mary Esther,  order the next day. She didn’t want a small order, either. She wanted to order $50 worth of cinnamon rolls! However her one request was that we bake them a little more. She even said, “they need to be baked about 5-7 minutes longer.”

At first when she said that, I was a little shocked and didn’t know what to make of it. I had never had anything said to me about doughy rolls or needing to have them cooked longer. But the longer that I thought about it, the more I realized that it might just be her personal taste. I also learned that I need to be better with taking criticism of my rolls. Not everyone wants them done exactly how I like them, so I need to be more flexible and adjustable to meet my customer needs.

So I did just what she asked, and baked them for a full 6 minutes longer than I would have liked them. They looked a little dark to me, but she loved them. She shared them with her family at a reunion and they all loved them as well! Glad I was able to meet her requests!

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